Don’t Miss Media Logic’s Top Healthcare Marketing Blog Posts of 2023

We always endeavor to stay on top of the latest trends in healthcare marketing and pass on updated best practices to readers on our blog. Throughout 2023, we’ve paid attention to valuable consumer insights of older adults, interesting tools for marketers and consumers alike, changing demographics of Medicare eligibles, the rise of generative AI and so much more.
Take some time to get caught up on our top blogs from this past year, covering those topics and many others. Check them out below.
With fewer consumers switching during the Annual Election Period (AEP) each year, the New-to-Medicare (NTM) market is more important than ever. We put together some key insights that will help you modernize and improve your NTM recruitment efforts for this important and diverse group.
We took a look back at the overall enrollment numbers in Medicare Advantage plans to identify which insurers had substantial enrollment gains during the 2023 AEP. While a lot goes into the marketing of a successful AEP, direct mail continues to be a large driver of interest and will likely continue to plays a key role in overall marketing success in the coming years.
If you’re not using social media to reach your Medicare-eligible audience, you’re missing out. After all, more than 80% of seniors use social media on a typical day, according to our 2022 Senior Media Preferences Survey. Here are five ways to incorporate Medicare content into your social streams year-round.
The rapid growth of the dual-eligible population presents a huge opportunity for managed care organizations and health insurers with Medicare Advantage experience. We put together a downloadable D-SNP Marketing tip sheet with fresh insights into this quickly changing demographic.
Due to the significant level of interest in payvider plans, we checked in with our CEO, David Schultz, to get his take on the payvider market today and where it’s headed. Here are his insights on the trend’s growth, marketing challenges facing payviders, the best sales opportunities and more.
When it comes to building your business reputation, targeting new members, or promoting the positive experience of current members, let’s face it, testimonials matter. We share all the reasons why healthcare businesses should use testimonials in their marketing.
Considering the tech savviness of today’s senior population, it’s no surprise that digital marketing took center stage during the 2023 AEP. We sat down with Media Logic’s Angela Chiuchiolo, Director of Digital Strategy, and Josh Martin, Healthcare Group Director, to dive deeper into digital Medicare marketing: what’s trending, what’s challenging and what teams can anticipate in the digital space.
About a year ago, Media Logic’s David Schultz met Dan Cerutti, CEO of Maia Care, who shared his vision for Maia, an app that provides a wide range of support for the entire caregiver team. David spoke with Dan about the inspiration for his company and the value Maia brings to consumers and health plans.
The world is abuzz with the prospect of generative AI, and at Media Logic, we see the tool as a very exciting development. Here are our thoughts on the role of generative AI in healthcare marketing.
Just like people across the globe, we’ve been kicking the tires on ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) programs. Generative AI is quickly becoming a societal mainstay and warrants ongoing attention and curiosity, including in the realm of healthcare marketing. Here is our take on these tools.
Bonus: Our Consumer In Sight Survey Series
We’ve prioritized collecting and sharing fresh audience insights through our Consumer In Sight research initiative. Don’t miss our recap of the surveys we released this year.
What healthcare marketing topics will be on our readers’ minds in 2024? We’re looking forward to answering that question. In the meantime, if you have a question or a content suggestion, please feel free to contact us.