5 Tips to Help You Connect With the Affluent Market

As the number of affluent consumers grows (along with their median income), the affluent market is becoming more and more important for financial services marketers. In order to reach this valuable demographic – which has expendable income and diverse needs – financial institutions must ensure their affluent marketing efforts truly connect.
Even though this audience can be broken into multiple segments, affluent consumers have many shopping habits in common. We know, for example, that they respond to exclusivity and are more interested in value than price. We know that luxury buyers research online ahead of making purchases. And we know that 59% of traffic to luxury sites is from mobile devices.
Based on informed best practices and research, Media Logic’s financial services marketing experts have identified a list of affluent marketing “must-haves.” From looking the part to hitting the right tone, these tips will help you shape – or assess – your affluent marketing campaign.
You can access the affluent marketing tips below or click here for a printable, 2-page PDF.