HAP: Improving the Customer Experience

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HAP: Improving the Customer Experience

Let’s face it. Figuring out health plans can be intimidating. With this in mind, HAP set out to refresh its New Member Welcome Kit to better reflect its commitment to helpful, customer service. The Welcome Kit needed to speak to new members in a friendly, reassuring tone and provide clear instructions on how to take full advantage of all of HAP’s benefits, plus meet all regulatory requirements.

To meet this challenge, HAP and Media Logic worked together to create a new, user-friendly format that packages all of the kit’s materials in a way that doesn’t immediately overwhelm the HAP member. Content was also streamlined, and non-essential information was moved online.

The new format and design not only presented HAP in a more personable manner, but it allowed new members to easily connect and engage with their new health plan and helped reassure customers about their decision to choose HAP.

Here’s a look at the revised Welcome Kit:
