Medicare Marketing Insights: 2022 Senior Media Preferences

For five years running, we’ve turned to seniors to get their input on media habits ahead of the busiest season for Medicare marketing. With the continued growth and saturation of the Medicare Advantage market, it’s more important than ever for healthcare marketers to be up to date on this group of more than 63 million eligible individuals.
Since we started the Senior Media Preferences Survey, many factors have directly and indirectly impacted media consumption: a global pandemic, the Metaverse, economic booms and busts, a presidential election, Tiger King and the list goes on. That’s why we return to this survey each year — to provide fresh insights on this ever-evolving population in the current global climate.
This year, Media Logic surveyed 573 seniors ages 63 to 75 on their media habits, honing in on lasting and recent trends with questions about how seniors tune in to TV, how often they scan QR codes and how they make use of smart speakers. The findings speak to the world we live in — a decreased use of Zoom amid waning COVID-19 concerns, increases in newspaper readership as national and global events capture attention and growing use of streaming services as subscription platforms continue to proliferate.
This survey offers a look at the media preferences of the increasingly digitally savvy senior population to help healthcare marketers optimize marketing channel selection and targeting for OEP campaigns, New-to-Medicare and Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) marketing in the year ahead.
If you want to see all the insights, you can view the 2022 Senior Media Preferences Survey below as a SlideShare. You can also download a PDF version of the deck.
Any questions? Reach out to Media Logic today.