“Shredding” misperceptions to drive small group membership.

Piedmont Community Health Plan is well-regarded in its Virginia service area – quality plans, great service, etc. – but it wasn’t always the most affordable option for small businesses. With an emphasis on expanding their small group book of business, Piedmont recently launched plans with highly-competitive prices…and they tapped Media Logic to help spread the word.

To break through to this audience (and their “gatekeeper” brokers/agents), we developed a campaign that tapped into a small business owner’s single greatest fear: wasted dollars and lost profits. Using the simple metaphor of money being wantonly shredded, the campaign seeded the notion that their business may be overpaying for health insurance – and directed them to get a quote from Piedmont.

The effort included an attention-grabbing TV spot (featuring 3-D animation we developed in-house), direct mail and other media targeting the employer audience – resulting in an immediate uptick in quotes and inquiries.

Piedmont print ad open on wooden table.

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