Helping create a more strategic, streamlined and successful Medicare Advantage campaign.

Geisinger Health Plan strives to make healthcare simple, affordable and more accessible for its Medicare Advantage members across Pennsylvania — core beliefs that connect Geisinger to its community. Knowing that their community roots run deep, Media Logic worked with Geisinger to create a campaign that featured members talking about the benefits of their Geisinger Gold Medicare Advantage plan.

These testimonials were then integrated into every touch point of the campaign, including direct response television, radio and direct mail streams. We also focused on maximizing digital channels, including online ads, paid social and email, which allowed us to better target potential members with benefits that were relevant to them. Finally, we made sure each tactic within the campaign featured a consistent call to action, encouraging prospects to make a direct connection with a Geisinger Medicare educator.

By combining authentic stories with a hyper-targeted strategy, we were able to deliver tremendous results. At the end of the Annual Enrollment Period, our campaign had driven a higher lead quality and sales conversion rate, all while driving down the overall cost per lead. The Geisinger team was thrilled with the results — exceeding the campaign lead goal by 14% and the new member goal by an exceptional 18%.

Geisinger FSI with a Facebook social post
A Geisinger mega brochure
Geisinger FSI and a Geisinger email displayed on an iPad Geisinger FSI and a Geisinger trifold brochure
Geisinger FSI and a Geisinger Facebook social ad

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