Berkshire Hathaway transaction creates new energy for MLMIC.

Having been acquired by Berkshire Hathaway, and with outside competitors entering the NY market for the first time, leading medical liability insurer MLMIC was looking to reaffirm their status as NY’s #1 malpractice insurer and the industry’s foremost expert in NY malpractice issues.

Media Logic explored multiple positioning options before aligning with a go-to-market strategy leveraging the idea that “No one knows NY like MLMIC.” Exploration of this theme drove development of a new website, print ads, sales toolkit, emails, and more, including a special live streaming event with Warren Buffett.

Print ads on grey background
Website shown on desktop computer in front of screen partition
Folder open on desk with brochure and one-sheets
Magazine open on desk showing print ad Close up of phone on desk showing email
Totebag, water bottle, and various collateral shown on grey background

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