The Proof in the (figgy) Pudding

• Author: , Sr. Creative Director

This past December, we sent out a press release introducing the Media Logic Holiday “Card” as “the perfect social season’s greeting.” Looking back on it a month later, that sentiment seems to have been particularly apt. Not only was the whole project fun and entertaining for us to conceive and execute, but it also proved to be a really good example of something we’ve been talking a lot about – that thinking and acting social can generate real conversation and results.

“Joyful Noise” generated a huge spike in online activity. Within two days, our Facebook page views jumped over 300%. And traffic to Media Logic’s website surged as well.  People were not only enjoying the card itself, but also sticking around to learn more about the company that created it.

Then, the second wave came.

Thanks to generous word of mouth, retweets from our Twitter stream and significant press coverage (including a pick-up by USA Today’s PopCandy blog), we saw our little bit of holiday buzz become quite a stir. Thousands viewed the card itself, and many moved on to check out the behind the scenes video and our Logical Juice blog.

Anecdotal response was also resoundingly positive, with comments coming from old friends, existing clients and new-found prospects. All in all, the project was a huge success. More than that, it’s another great example of how a Social Juice Promotion can go a long way toward building momentum, amplifying interest and supporting a brand.