Using video to promote the relaunch of a co-brand card to both prospects and existing cardholders.

When Priceline, the popular online travel site, relaunched their Priceline VIP Rewards Visa Card from Barclays with new, more powerful benefits, their objective was two-fold: to attract new prospects AND to increase spend and engagement with current cardholders. To help achieve these objectives, Visa and Media Logic developed several videos to be used on the Priceline and Barclays websites, in email communications and through social media.

Using custom graphics, animation and voice-over talent, Media Logic produced a series of videos that quickly communicated the relaunched card’s benefits while faithfully capturing Priceline’s visual identity, personality and tone.

Screen grab of 2 priceline cards - still-frame from video relaunch co-brand card Screen grab of laptop showing video relaunch co-brand card
VIP Gold - still-frame from video relaunch co-brand card 10,000 bonus points - still-frame from video relaunch co-brand card

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