Elevating direct mail to lift co-brand acquisition among affluent prospects.

When Avios, the global travel rewards currency for British Airways Visa Signature® cards, wanted to increase their overall acquisition rates, they turned to Visa and Media Logic to develop new direct mail approaches.

Knowing the international travel rewards card prospect skews mid- to high-affluent, Media Logic developed two upscale direct mail approaches, one letter package and one self-mailer, that capitalized on the aspirational look, tone and feel of British Airways. Also, the packages were developed to address an ongoing challenge of co-brand cards: the need to expand usage beyond the brand into world spend.

The result was two direct mail approaches that appealed to affluent prospects, improved acquisition rates, and ultimately increased world spend. Both approaches were put before research for refinement, and ultimately both were mailed to determine which format was most effective.

upscale direct self mail print piece for affluent customers on table
direct mail print pieces designed for affluent customers on table

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