Engaging website drives digital success for food ingredient company.

Media Logic helped Fortitech grow from a domestic supplier into a global nutrient premix leader – that was eventually acquired by DSM for $634 million. This included developing a strong brand and sophisticated sales and lead generation efforts…and the dynamic website that powered it all.

We developed a best-in-breed website for the custom nutrient premix provider that was designed with myriad audiences in mind.

For prospects, the site included a wealth of valuable content, including white papers and videos to help educate them about emerging nutrition trends and high-opportunity demographics. It also featured a variety of ways for them to engage the experts at Fortitech for answers and advice, and to request product samples for their R&D efforts.

For current customers, the site offered special access to gated content such as tech papers, reference materials and a nutrient database to help them develop new ideas and innovate new products. We also developed an online customer portal that facilitated project planning and management.

For the industry as a whole, the site positioned Fortitech as far more than an ingredient supplier – helping the brand stake its claim as a thought leader, consultant and trusted global solution provider.

It was all tightly integrated with Fortitech’s sales and branding efforts, making the site an essential component of the company’s storied success.

website on tablet website on tablet
Website on desktop computer
engaging website to drive sales displayed on desktop computer

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