Motivating employees to boost sales.

Media Logic can help organizations derive more value from their employees. For Elan, for example, we developed comprehensive communication programs for its ongoing credit card training and sales efforts with its agent financial institutions. For 15+ years, we have delivered campaigns that successfully educate and engage branch personnel, increase card sales and usage and reach specific audience segments, including affluent and small business.

Gear up for Business Elan promos, a one sheet, landing page, and certificate
Visa ICBA Say Yes promo materials, includes poster, landing pages, email, and brochure
Visa ICBA Say Yes promo materials, social ads, email, and banner ad Visa ICBA Say Yes promo materials, includes poster, sticker, and table tent
An Elan employee guide of the Big Cash for Business promotion
CB&T brochures

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Marketing to New-to-Medicare Enrollees: Insights From Our 2024 Consumer Survey

Marketing to New-to-Medicare Enrollees: Insights From Our 2024 Consumer Survey

Enrolling in Medicare is a significant milestone for older adults, but the process often feels overwhelming due to the complexity of choices, cost considerations and changing regulations. Our second annual NTM survey looks at what truly matters to consumers just entering Medicare, and how those insights can impact marketing strategies. Responses from adults ages 64-68 highlighted the importance of clear, digestible educational resources and direct support from plan reps and brokers. Check out all of our findings.

Reaching Zillennials: How Financial Brands Are Leveraging Social Media

Reaching Zillennials: How Financial Brands Are Leveraging Social Media

Picture a stereotypical Millennial. What comes to mind? We’re thinking skinny jeans, side hair parts, iPods and MySpace accounts. Now, think of a Gen Z’er, bopping to TikTok dances, scrolling on their iPhone and sporting the baggy jeans. These two generations may feel like separate demographics, but there is a population that straddles them. They’re […]