Innovation leads the way for Medicare Advantage plan during AEP.

Heading into Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period, SummaCare had made a bold choice – introducing an innovative new product that would allow older adults to essentially pick their own Medicare benefits.

SummaCare’s Jade (HMO) with Bene-Flex Medicare Advantage plan included a suite of core benefits. Then, it gave members the freedom to choose additional supplemental benefits, ranging from a healthy grocery allowance, or a flex card to reduce out-of-pocket expenses, to free assistance with everyday tasks like grocery shopping and delivery, technology support and more.

This new offering presented an interesting messaging challenge. Media Logic worked with SummaCare to develop a powerful strategy for clearly communicating both the value of the new plan, as well as its ultimate simplicity. Creative across a wide range of media (TV, DRTV, FSI, Direct Mail and more) embraced the idea of “Building your own Medicare plan” – carefully explaining the unique structure of the new plan while positioning that structure as the plan’s greatest asset. We also made the decision to version the mail cadence based on which of SummaCare’s suite of products the consumer was most likely to be interested in enrolling.

The result was an exciting campaign that differentiated SummaCare from the competition, generating a lot of fresh energy and momentum.

SummaCare newspaper wrap ad Inside view of a SummaCare AEP self mailer
A SummaCare letter package, including an OE, insert and opened letter
Close up of the outside panel of a SummaCare AEP direct mailer Front panel of a SummaCare newspaper spadea (newspaper wrap)
Detail shot of a SummaCare letter package, including an OE, insert and letter

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