Building a solid foundation for a unique health plan.

Gold Kidney Health Plan is a recent entrant into the Medicare Advantage space. Created by nephrologists to help those with
chronic conditions get better access to care, it specializes in Chronic Condition Special Needs Plans – or C-SNPs, but also offers traditional Medicare Advantage plans. While they’re only in their second year in business, they wanted to sharpen their value proposition and strengthen their recruitment to stand out in the highly competitive Arizona and Florida markets.

Media Logic worked closely with Gold Kidney to develop a campaign theme of “specializing in you.” This concept allowed us to speak to Gold Kidney’s unique C-SNP focused model of care and how they work to remove barriers to care for patients with chronic conditions. Our design team then reimagined Gold Kidney’s visual identity, updating their palette with a new selection of warm inviting colors as well as modernizing their fonts and graphic elements.

Armed with a new look and theme, Gold Kidney went into their second AEP in Arizona and first in Florida with a variety of tactics including direct mail, DRTV, FSIs, and landing pages optimized for lead generation. Media Logic also ensured that the pieces were trackable in a variety of ways, including QR codes, unique phone numbers, URLs, and digital forms, to help them make strategic, data-driven decisions for future campaigns. The Gold Kidney Health Plan team was extraordinarily pleased remarking, “This really is next level. We look like an established brand, not one just getting started.”

Inside panels of a Gold Kidney self-mailer
Cover of a Gold Kidney brochure besides a Gold Kidney FSI (free standing insert) Cover panel of a Gold Kidney self-mailer with the headline,
Gold Kidney landing page with the main headline reading, Gold Kidney print ad in a magazine advertising dates and times for a free medicare event
A Gold Kidney direct mail package including a letter, envelope, and a benefits guide brochure

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