2021 Medicare AEP Strategy: Targeting & Added Value

Getting older adults to switch Medicare plans during the Annual Election Period usually involves a lot of individual attention. In-person consultations. Group sales meetings. So in a year where these things simply aren’t possible, how do you gain a competitive advantage?

For MVP Health Care, it meant leaning into virtual assets and alternative ways of connecting, maximizing web traffic, and leveraging the impressive amount of value offered by the health insurer’s Medicare Advantage plans.

Media Logic worked with MVP on an integrated campaign incorporating direct mail, DRTV, paid search and social, print, outdoor and more – and driving to landing pages that highlighted key benefits, offered up assets like localized video seminars and (perhaps most importantly) with prioritized calls to action to better capture leads. We also developed a new cost calculator that enabled user to generate side-by-side comparisons of plan costs based on individual health care needs. Messaging across all components reinforced the guidance offered by MVP’s Medicare Advisors – helping to create an environment that felt truly personal… even at a distance.

MVP Medicare AEP landing Page on laptop MVP paid search results shown on tablet next to a MVP AEP self mailer
Clip from MVP DRTV Clip from MVP DRTV Clip from MVP DRTV
MVP email shown on iPad with an MVP self mailer Results shown from MVP's Medicare plan cost calculator
MVP direct mail package with letter, one sheet, buckslip, and envelope. next to an iPhone with an MVP FB social ad
MVP digital banner shown on laptop MVP print ad shown in newspaper
MVP direct mailer with letter, mini guide, and buckslip MVP direct mailer with opened mini guide and envelope

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