Tag: Social Marketing

Twitter Updates Offer Customer Service and Engagement Opportunities for Health Insurers

Twitter Updates Offer Customer Service and Engagement Opportunities for Health Insurers

From live commentary to customer service, Twitter is a go-to tool for health insurers, and staying on top of updates is fundamental. Over the last month we’ve seen important changes that present significant opportunities for brands and consumers, alike. The latest updates offer more room for expression, keeps conversations tidier, and makes communication between health insurers and customers simpler.

Customer Insights for Banks via Social Media

Customer Insights for Banks via Social Media

Talk to a bank about social media, and you may see it shift or squirm in its chair a bit. But talk to a bank about customer data? Likely, it will lean in and listen carefully. So what happens when banks realize they can access customer feedback and observe consumer behavior via social media?

Best Practices in Social Sharing (What to Say & When to Say It!)

As with traditional marketing, timing social marketing initiatives correctly is essential for communicating with the right audience. Further, the time and day that marketers should be posting is dependent on the target audience (business versus consumers) and social platform (Facebook versus Twitter versus LinkedIn). MarketingProfs explores when brands should be posting to their social streams-- even down to the hour. Plus, see a break down of best practices in social sharing. Hint: B2B brands receive significantly higher engagement when using hash tags on Twitter than B2C brands! Talk to us for additional social insights — and the who’s, what’s, when’s, and where’s of social sharing.

Financial Service Brands, Are You Banking on Social Media?

Financial Service Brands, Are You Banking on Social Media?

“Amateurish.” “Hibernation.” “Clumsily.” Three words that organizations certainly don’t want describing their social marketing efforts and practices. Unfortunately, for a majority of wealth managers and private banks, this is the reality, according to a recent study of 50 leading financial services brands.

The way to find the value of likes and followers is to break the mold

This week Social Media Today picked up an earlier article from Harvard Business Review. Titled “Social Media’s Impending Flood of Customer Unlikes and Unfollows” it’s a call-to-action for brands to change their social media mindsets. Think it’s too early in the world of social marketing for brands to be set in their ways? Think again. Many brands are following an already tired formula. As quoted in the article, straight from a Facebook sales rep: “Don’t over-think any of this. …Do four things every week…ask a question, run a poll, share links, and engage with your fans. Oh, and have fun!” When he heard this, Brian Solis, thought leader on new media and the article’s author, was skeptical. So are we.

Should Brands be Chicken When It Comes to Facebook?

Does sentiment drive openness or does openness drive sentiment? There is no easy answer to this “chicken or egg” question. But there is no question social media is opening up (a quite public) window on the relationship between top retail brands and their customers. And though it is not necessary for retailers to prioritize openness – say, by defaulting likers to a “Top Posts” Facebook wall – not doing so (or being unable to do so), particularly when key competitors can, says something about a brand and offers clues as to how that brand operates in social space. Media Logic has just completed a quick analysis of the relationship between brand sentiment/passion and the willingness of brands to prioritize customer posts on an open Facebook wall. We examined brands in three retail sectors – Department stores, Discount and Value stores and Hobby stores.

In Praise of the New Oracle of Social Marketing … Billboard Magazine?

Over the last several months, I’ve found myself turning to Billboard Magazine — in its old-school, dead-tree form — as one of my preferred curators of contemporary media and marketing information. From Twitter to the cloud and a dozen social and tech topics in between, Billboard’s editorial content has, for me anyway, helped move thinking from the theoretical to the applied.