Tag: collaboration

Introducing the Media Logic Client Portal: A New Way to Collaborate and Optimize

Introducing the Media Logic Client Portal: A New Way to Collaborate and Optimize

In today's competitive healthcare market, especially within Medicare Advantage, timely access to actionable data is more important than ever. That's why Media Logic's new Client Portal can give our clients an edge. Designed to consolidate vital data and insights in one place, the portal empowers our clients to make smarter, faster decisions while deepening collaboration with their Media Logic team. Learn more about the Client Portal.

Too Much Listening: Where is the Collaboration?

You can glean a lot of valuable data from mechanically analyzing the social stream. You can listen in, engage and counterpunch with a comment or a tweet. If you’re aggressive and swift, you may even shift sentiment a degree or two. However, monitoring has so little value as anything but a starting point for a reactive marketing strategy, we have to ask why tools that do it seem to be the only ones that exist. Why is monitoring and reflexively reacting the priority?

Keep the Meaning Behind Social Media Buzz Words

If you spend any time at all on social media marketing, you notice that what’s desirable in real life (IRL) – relationships, conversation and engagement – is also pursued in social media marketing. These results are so prized they have become buzz words...

How do we keep the meaning behind the hype?

Even When People are to Blame, the Brand is Responsible

Preventing mistakes like the infamous Chrysler F-bomb

When an individual representing Chrysler tweeted a derogatory remark about Detroit, a city Chrysler is invested in promoting, there was someone to fire, and there was an agency to let go. Still, at the end of the day, the public holds the brand itself responsible for its social media streams. Chrysler will take the brunt of the impact. As a result of the controversy, social media marketing takes a bit of a beating, as well.

What is Zeitgeist & Coffee?

As recently as just two years ago we were all okay being marketed to. Passively. And in nothing like real-time. No longer. Technological changes, specifically in mobile devices and social media, have driven a rapid evolution of our marketing culture. Today, in addition to up-to-the-second information, consumers expect sincere two-way communication between themselves and the businesses and organizations with which they would like to have relationships. Owned media – websites, social sites, stores, etc. – must now take the strategic point, ahead of traditional advertising and public relations, in branding and promotions. It’s all very exciting. But the time and resource demands of real-time engagement through owned media is stressing – and often breaking – established marketing budgets, protocols … and relationships. To meet the challenges and take advantage of the incredible communication opportunities now available, Media Logic created Zeitgeist & Coffee, a real-time marketing collaboration and management platform.

Infusing the Dreamscape

I turn to Dwell for inspiration, for new ideas to populate my dreamscape. So maybe the context made me more “prepared” to see deeply into this recent article in the magazine. On one level, it is a pretty prosaic story about the gadgets and software that connect the online and real world. But somehow, the idea that architecture and portable communication technologies are allowing us to interact with space and with each other in new ways struck me as profound.

Engaging the Aging: Creating Conversation for SilverSneakers

Through our recent work with Healthways SilverSneakers, Media Logic is proving the value of strategic social marketing for membership-based organizations. In partnership with us, SilverSneakers has employed a nimble social media content development strategy and our revolutionary social media management suite, Zeitgeist & Coffeesm, to enhance its engagement with members – increasing participation, fostering loyalty and stimulating new membership growth. Watch as our conversation manager, Michelle, provides a behind-the-scenes look at how Media Logic and SilverSneakers are using social media as a marketing tool for collaboration and interaction with an active community of older adults.

Content Means Business. But it Takes Collaboration not Automation.

Content Means Business. But it Takes Collaboration not Automation.Looking to develop new leads for your business? Wondering why new visits to your website are declining even though you use Twitter and have a Facebook profile or fanpage? Are you blogging? According to the State of Small Business Report from Network Solutions in conjunction with the University of Maryland School of Business (with a tip-of-the-hat to HubSpot for featuring data from the report on their blog), fewer than 40% of U.S. small businesses blog about their area of expertise. Let’s rephrase that: nearly 60% of small businesses are leaving their content on the table. And by “on the table,” I mean nowhere to be found. So why should you care?