AmEx #PassionProject: Social Promotion Attracts Over 330 Entries in Opening Weeks

In its first three weeks, #PassionProject, a social promotion from American Express, attracted over 330 entries. With that kind of momentum – and monthly cash awards through the end of the year to sustain ongoing interest – the campaign has great potential to build excitement around the financial services brand, already well-known for both its social media savvy and its small business specialization.

The Passion
Undoubtedly, some of the energy for #PassionProject comes from its focus (and tagline): “supporting a new generation of makers, creators and mold breakers.” Marketers have known for a long time – at least since 1997 with the success of “The Crazy Ones” Apple commercial – that tapping consumers’ creative, rebel spirit can be powerful. And “makers, creators and mold breakers” does seem to echo the Apple script: “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels.” Both campaigns tap a creative – and motivated – class of consumers and highlight that both AmEx and Apple are committed to providing tools that help customers pursue their passions.

The Social Platforms
The hub of #PassionProject is the AmEx YouTube channel, where cardmembers and others can enter their own passion projects into contest by uploading a photo, contact info and brief description. They can also find official rules, access a gallery of entries and get inspired by professionally produced videos of featured projects, like Scott Harrison’s clean water project and Rebecca Lando’s good food on a budget project. Through December 31, American Express will award $2,000 apiece to 10 winners each month.

AmEx promotes the campaign with several other digital assets, as well, including the AmEx Tumblr community for “people looking to live life to the fullest and pursue their passions,” a microsite with gallery of more than 330 submitted projects to date and – with the help of the hashtag #PassionProject – the American Express accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Branding
The impetus for the AmEx campaign came when the brand conducted a LifeTwist study and learned, according to its press release, that “passion projects, defined as the pursuit of an interest or hobby, are considered an important ingredient to living a fulfilled and successful life by the vast majority of Americans (75%).” And since American Express aims to be “synonymous with success and the successful,” it decided to highlight individuals who, as they pursue their passions, are doing important work.

The campaign positioning places #PassionProject solidly within the brand’s focus.  Quite possibly, #PassionProject also expands cardmembers’ brand awareness… from how American Express supports what they’re already doing to how the card might help them do whatever next things they can envision.

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