What’s Your Easter Bunny Influencer Strategy?

Immediately after entering the store, we encounter the Easter displays: bags of plastic grass, baskets in all colors and sizes, cartons of chocolate, towers of toys. My son says, “I gotta tell the Easter Bunny about this place! He should totally shop here!” This influencer strategy was born in a Super Walmart. My son was going to gain points – and hopefully some kickbacks he could really enjoy – by telling the Easter Bunny about this great resource he’d found. Influencer strategy #1: Make the Bunny’s job easier by knowing what he needs and helping him find it.

When I told my friend about the story, she relayed what her son was trying out. Her son is not a follower of the Easter Bunny, but his sister is. For weeks, he has been persuading his sister to make requests on his behalf, things like, “How about putting paper money in the plastic eggs instead of coins?” Influencer strategy #2: Get on the lips of those who have the Bunny’s ear.

It’s not easy being an oversized rabbit bouncing lawn to lawn in the pre-dawn hours. Don’t you think he would appreciate knowing which weatherman you trust or which yards may contain unfriendly dogs? Influencer strategy #3: Connect the Easter Bunny to people and information that impact his business environment.

This time of year, you’ll want to be on your best behavior. You’ll want to brag a little bit about helping around the house and being nice to siblings. You’ll want to study hard and be responsible. And you’ll want to make sure that everyone the Bunny consults for intelligence knows what a terrific kid you are. Influencer strategy #4: Attract attention by having an excellent reputation.

Don’t forget: The Easter Bunny is a regular guy. He puts his pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us. Got a message for him? Want to ask him something? Why not go to the source? Influencer strategy #5: Direct appeal.

What’s your Easter Bunny influencer strategy?

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