‘People’ Spend ‘Time’ on Twitter Following These ‘InStyle’ Magazines…

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Too obvious? Well anyway, Foliomag.com recently released its latest list of the most followed magazines on Twitter. The Top 11, including InStyle, Health and The New Yorker all broke the million mark, while eight mags—like Seventeen and Parents—upped their crowds by more than 100 percent since January.

I think it’s obvious how a glossy’s editorial content translates well to Twitter. From giveaways to quick snippets of articles alongside links, they’re a natural fit for the information-feeding social stream. What piques my interest is something Folio pointed out: “Twitter also helps brands punch way above their weight class. Good came in at #16 (up from #17 in January), eclipsing household names such as Rolling Stone (#19) and Vanity Fair (#39),” they noted.

So, which do you think would be more popular on Twitter: Food & Wine or Scientific American? O, The Oprah Magazine or Discover? In both cases, the latter reigned supreme.

Personally, I love this. Nothing against Oprah, but this is a great case-in-point scenario that underdogs should learn a lesson from: Think your brand is lesser-known compared to others? It still may outperform the bigger guys on Twitter.

So go ahead and log in. With polished content, an entertaining stream, a good social media strategy, and perhaps a professional conversation manager, you could the top the list in your industry, too.