EMBA Programs and Social Media

Executive MBA programs are growing increasingly popular among students, recruiters, and university administrators. But these off-site, at-a-distance and weekends-only programs come with one critical drawback: little (or no) campus time.

Little time to share info with other students. Little time to socialize with professors. Little time to build connections.

It should come as no surprise then that EMBA students rely heavily on technology to mediate their social interactions.

Media Logic recently completed a Mine & Dine study on behalf of The Johnson School at Cornell University. The study focused on how top business schools are currently deploying social media to assist in their EMBA recruitment, student experience and alumni development efforts.

The results were interesting. Every top business school is doing something. Several are using social media well in general. Few have figured out how to effectively integrate or focus their efforts around a core product like the EMBA.

But this space is evolving fast.

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