A Dear Friend Barks About PetSmart’s Social Media

Dear PetSmart,

Okay, I am a little jealous of that lucky puppy in the footage from the commercial you’ve been tweeting about. But in general, my tail wags every time I see @Petsmart on Twitter.

For example, I like your pet care posts, like the tweet with a link to this post about shielding pets from the boom of fireworks. Really useful (that one saved me from the shame of peeing on the floor), and they get retweeted a lot.

I also love all of your pet trivia. Who knew that “rats have starred or appeared in over 400 films & close to 100 TV series?”

However, I’d be happier if you gave me even more attention. Please don’t put me in the doghouse for this, but I do have a few suggestions for how we might make our relationship even better.

  • First, I know nobody likes a dog that yips all day, but @PetSmart could tweet quite a bit more frequently. Remember, you can post way more messages to Twitter than you can on Facebook without bothering the neighbors.
  • Second, retail is a dog-eat-dog world (I can’t believe I just said that!). @PetSmart should be tweeting a lot more about savings, deals, coupons and specific price points (43.5% follow brands for this reason ) and spreading brand goodwill with instant win contests and giveaways.
  • Third, how about the whole world of non-human celebrities? @PetSmart could be reaching out to critters like @sockington or @BronxZoosCobra — I’m sure that’d get you some RT action!
  • Fourth, you should start sniffing out tweets containing things like “my dog” or “my parakeet;” and if the tweeters have a solid number of followers, RT their posts.
  • And finally, don’t be afraid to accessorize. Nothing makes me kick my back leg like a well-placed #hashtag.

So there it is. You’re not going to hit me with a newspaper, are you? I’m just trying to be friendly. Maybe get you to scratch my tummy for just a couple of minutes?

Mister Peepers

(typed by Carolee Sherwood, Conversation Manager, on behalf of her wild-boy pug)

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