Simple, personal approach to Medicare AEP marketing.

With a focus on lead generation for their Medicare Annual Election Period, long-time client MVP Health Care once again entrusted Media Logic with the challenge. Our goal? To break through the clutter of AEP advertising, increase media efficiency, enhance digital engagement, and leverage their expanded salesforce and enhanced call center.

Embracing MVP’s desire to promote one-on-one consultations with prospects, we developed a concept that showcased the personal connection promised by MVP – based on a simple conversation over coffee (including the incentive of a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card). The campaign was fully integrated across print and digital channels, including direct mail packages, email nurturing, paid search and a highly successful full-page newspaper wrap.

Our strategy contributed to a successful open enrollment for MVP, including growth in key markets, and provided us with insights and metrics to optimize their future marketing efforts.

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Bridging Gaps: Practical Strategies for D-SNP Insurers and CBOs to Support Dual Eligibles

Bridging Gaps: Practical Strategies for D-SNP Insurers and CBOs to Support Dual Eligibles

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Navigating Provider Disputes: Medicare Marketing Strategies for Payers

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