Crowd Pleaser: Media Logic helps MVP rebrand an entire arena.

In fall of 2021, MVP Health Care was presented with a unique opportunity to bid for the naming and branding rights to the
(then-named) Times Union Center, the largest entertainment and sports venue in New York State’s Capital Region. Longtime marketing partner Media Logic collaborated with the MVP team at every phase of the effort – to begin rebranding the arena as a vital health and wellbeing hub for the region.

After MVP won the bid, the MVP Arena was born and the real work began – with only a few weeks to design a logo, signage and other experiential elements as the previous name transitioned to the new. From complex challenges involving illuminated exterior signage to high-impact architectural graphics to myriad wayfinding signs throughout the massive structure, Media Logic and MVP’s design team worked together to ensure consistent branding inside and out. The marketing partners are now developing ways to fully leverage the exposure and access of this unique community resource and marketing asset.

Outside view of the MVP arena sign, during the day
Outside view of the MVP arena sign lit up at night
MVP Arena waterfall sign with dancing male displayed inside after the rebrand MVP Arena waterfall sign with dancing girl displayed inside after the rebrand
MVP live well, live now arena signage after rebrand Long inside view of MVP Arena and signage after rebrand

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