Using design to demystify all-in-one accounts payable solution.

PaperTrl is a startup fintech that allows companies to manage the entirety of their accounts payable (AP) process — from invoices to approvals to payments. While their product offered advantages over their competitors, they needed help in telling their story. Media Logic worked side-by-side with Visa and PaperTrl to find the best way to turn a complex solution targeted at a specific audience into a digestible narrative.

It started by learning about PaperTrl’s key benefit, which was that you could review and automate purchases, bills, and payments on a single, cloud-based platform. Media Logic was then able to take their variety of features, like being able to audit approval trails or complete a 3-way match of POs, bills and receipts, and organize them into an easy-to-read interactive infographic. By working together, we were able to create a dynamic visual representation that shows a comprehensive overview of PaperTrl’s benefits and allows users to dig deeper into the ones that are most applicable to their needs. Media Logic created a compelling visual narrative to simplify the story of PaperTrl’s innovative (but potentially complex) accounts payable solution.

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