Tag: connections

Handshakes and LinkedIn Connections (Just like Peas and Carrots)

Over the course of the past year, I’ve had the pleasure to foster several new vendor partnerships (B2B). In each case, an invitation to join their LinkedIn networks followed our initial project conversations. On the heels of one recent exchange, it occurred to me that an invitation to make social media alliances/associations had become a gesture grounded in normalcy – no different than adding contact info to a rolodex or data-base in the old days. Online life and offline life have aligned: tool in some cases, skill in others. It also occurs to me that although this mode of relationship-building requires little lift, it shares far deeper insight into folks who are all but strangers initially. For me, it has the makings of an unspoken trust initiator. Without much effort, you have some credibility with one other.

Keep the Meaning Behind Social Media Buzz Words

If you spend any time at all on social media marketing, you notice that what’s desirable in real life (IRL) – relationships, conversation and engagement – is also pursued in social media marketing. These results are so prized they have become buzz words...

How do we keep the meaning behind the hype?

Social Media: Personal Authenticity = Marketing Authenticity

As someone keenly interested in the paradigm shift from traditional marketing to what we at Media Logic refer to as “modern marketing,” I recently had an insight from which others, in their pursuit of professional transformation, might benefit... It took an insightful blog post from Alexandra Samuel to shift my perspective. And, in the process, help make me a better modern marketer.

Looking Ahead, Looking at Headlines

In the fleeting moments of a turbulent, unpredictable and unflaggingly interesting decade, one need only look at some of the headlines and newsbites of the day to see the shape of marketing things to come.