Standing (and Singing) Out in a Crowd

• Author: , Sr. Creative Director

Standing (and Singing) Out in a CrowdIt’s a massive understatement to say that marketing at trade shows is a constant battle for attention. Simply being heard over the din of the crowd is challenge enough. Harder still is getting a clear, effective message to cut through the clutter.

So, in an enormous convention hall packed with the world’s largest manufacturers of foods and beverages, how did Fortitech command an audience?

With a little bit of child’s play.

Standing (and Singing) Out in a CrowdUsing the power of Social Juice Promotionssm Media Logic helped Fortitech (a maker of nutrient premixes) create a big splash at a leading national event – and capitalize on a new trend toward fortified products for children.

Using a unique “Camp Fortitech” theme, attention-grabbing graphics and a roving troupe of children chanting camp songs with nutrition-packed lyrics, the promotion helped to build awareness of this emerging product genre. Standing (and Singing) Out in a CrowdThe promotion created valuable buzz for the Fortitech brand and, most importantly, drove prospects to the Fortitech booth where they sampled nutritious, kid-friendly food samples (like fortified ice cream) and discussed solutions for their fortification needs.

Media Logic designed, developed and coordinated it all – even hiring and training the happy campers.

It all combined to create an event at the event, making Fortitech the social star of the show.