
Media Logic President David Schultz Presents Workshop at The 2014 Financial brand Forum

Media Logic’s President and Founder David Schultz is in Las Vegas presenting “Integrated Social Media for Financial Marketers” at The 2014 Financial Brand Forum, which is expected to have more than 400 attendees. Proud to be among 30 speakers selected to provide actionable insights relevant to retail bank marketers, David is speaking about how to evolve financial brand marketing from fractured media approaches to more strategic and productive plans.

David’s presentation gets beyond anecdotes about banks’ slow adoption of social media, and it goes deeper than stats like this one: “Only 8.2 percent of CMOs believe social is integrated with their marketing strategies”(The CMO Survey, August 2013). It also marches quickly through what social integration is and what it is not.

David calls for a rigorous evaluation of all of a bank’s marketing initiatives: critically assessing the appropriateness and merits of using social to support very specific and articulated business strategies. And that’s where attendees will find the meat of David’s workshop is found: real examples – behind the scenes – of integrated social media marketing strategies.